M&K Solicitors

Family Law


Our specialist team of family lawyers, includes Ashrat Khan and Bushra Khan who are both Partners and solicitors of the firm and paralegals, have extensive experience in delivering high quality work in all matters relating to family matters. Staff will be supervised by Bushra Khan a partner within the team.


Divorce is the legal dissolution of a relationship between husband and wife. It can be a complex process, but we endeavour to simplify the legal process, and always try to talk a language that you can understand. In April 2022, The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 came into force. This now allows for a statement of irretrievable breakdown, joint applications and for one party to start the process without having to assign blame. The change has also stopped parties from being able to contest the divorce. We offer our divorce services on an agreed fee basis.


Separation is the process where the parties no longer wish to live together but have not agreed that the marriage is over. A separation agreement can be formal or informal, and we will guide you through the whole process. We will discuss with you how you would like your children, property and investments to be dealt with during the period of separation. This document can be incorporated into a court order if the parties so wish, in the event that they decide at a later date to divorce.

What is Involved in a No-Fault Divorce?

The final divorce order concludes the divorce proceedings. Divorces take around eight months to complete as court rules dictate when you can progress to each stage of the divorce process. If you are responding to a divorce, we will deal with the acknowledgement of service on your behalf and assist and advise you throughout the process.

Fees and Disbursements

How much are our agreed fees for divorce?

If you are the sole applicant or the main applicant in a joint application, then our fee is £750 plus VAT £150 = £900. You will also have to pay court fees – the court currently charges £593 for a divorce application. You can try and agree to share the court fee with your spouse. If you are the person responding to the divorce or the second applicant on a joint application, then our fee is £350 plus VAT £70 = £420.

Additional Services for Family matters

In addition to your divorce, you may need help from a specialist family law solicitor with Child arrangements and an application for a child arrangement order, Divorce financial settlement, Converting a mediated agreement into a financial court order and Injunction proceedings. Our family law solicitors can help you with all these additional family law services. We will also provide you with a quote and timescale, so you know where you stand with legal fees.

Hourly Rates shall apply for our additional family law services, please see table below:

Category of Fee Earner

Hourly Fixed Rate

Solicitors with over eight years post qualification experience (Grade A)


Solicitors and legal executives with over four years’ experience. (Grade B)


Other solicitors and legal executives and fee earner or equivalent experience. (Grade C)


Trainee solicitors, para-legal and other fee earners. (Grade D)


 We will add VAT to our fees at the prevailing crunt rate of 20%.

 If your divorce is more complicated or there are disagreements over various issues, you should call our team for a bespoke quote.

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