Funding of the legal costs - M&K Solicitors

M&K Solicitors

Funding of the legal costs

Legal Aid:

Since April 2013 Legal Aid funding is no longer available to fund personal injury claims.

In relation to claims for clinical negligence Legal Aid is only available for cases involving children, where there the child has suffered a neurological condition arising during the course of their birth.

Your trade union:

If you are a member of a trade union, they may well fund the legal costs associated with bringing a claim.

Legal expenses insurance:

Some insurance policies (such as your care or household insurance) include associated legal expenses cover. If you have a policy with legal expenses cover attached, the policy may well cover the legal costs associated with bringing a claim.

’No-Win-No-Fee’ Conditional Fee Agreements:

Conditional fee agreements are often called ‘no-win no-fee’ agreements.

Under the terms of a Conditional Fee Agreement we will run the file without being paid until the claim concludes.

If no damages are obtained on your behalf then you will not have to pay us at all.

However, if you win your case and damages are paid, then we will deduct a percentage of your compensation as our success fee for having run the case with no guarantee of ever being paid for the work which we have carried out.

After the Event Insurance:

Where we enter into a Conditional Fee Agreement with you we will also advise you to take out an “after-the-event’ insurance policy.

An after the event insurance policy will protect you from the possibility of having to pay any costs to the defendant if you lose the case. In addition the after event insurance policy will also pay for the costs of any disbursements incurred during the life of the case, such as the cost of obtaining medical reports, so that you do not have to pay for those fees.

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