M&K Solicitors

M&K Solicitors are experts in the representation of those injured in accidents, including (but not limited to) road accidents, accidents at work, highway trips/slips and accidents which occur in public, private and business premises.

Time limits in claims for personal injury:

If you are an adult and have suffered an injury in an accident caused as a result of someone else’s negligence, then you have a period of three years from the date of the accident in which to bring a claim.

If the injury results from a system of work or exposure to substances as opposed to an accident on  fixed date, then you have a period of three years from the date that you knew (or ought to have known) that injury had been sustained as a result of the negligence.

If you are injured as a result of negligent medical treatment, then you have a period of three years from the date that you first became aware that you had suffered a significant injury as a result of the negligent medical treatment

If you are a child who has suffered a personal injury or have been injured as a result of medical negligence then the claim is not subject to the usual three year time limit and he/she can bring a claim any time up until three years after their 18th birthday (although the bringing of the claim should not be delayed).

If you have been a victim of a violent crime or abuse, the claim will normally be submitted with the CICA (Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority). The normal time limit for making a CICA claim is two years from the date of the crime although there are some exceptions to this time limit: please see our “Victims of Crime” page for further information


A personal injury is injury to the body or mind, caused by an accident, dangerous systems of work, exposure to harmful substances or by medical or dental negligence.

The injuries that may be suffered as a result of the negligence of someone else include broken bones, sprained muscles/tendons, cuts/burns, scarring, damage to teeth, and psychiatric harm.

Some injuries are life changing injuries such as brain damage, spinal injury and amputation. Some injuries are fatal.

Why should you chose M&K Solicitors to act on your behalf in your personal injury claim?

Our highly skilled personal and clinical injury solicitors ensure that their clients receive the highest possible levels of compensation for the injuries and financial losses which they have (or will) suffer as a result of the negligence of others;
We develop close relations with our clients and are there to help and advise at all times;
Mobile and office telephone numbers are provided for the fee earner representing you to ensure that you are able to make contact whenever you need to.
At all times we seek to provide a highly efficient and prompt service;
We only represent the injured and do not act for insurance companies or defendants;
We are able to offer “no win no fee” agreements;
We are able to provide access to rehabilitation and medical care where required, to assist in the speedy recovery from injuries and return to the highest possible level of function;
We obtain interim payments to ease the immediate financial impact of an injury;
We have the experience and knowledge to ensure the best possible outcome to your case.

If you have suffered an injury caused by someone else’s negligence contact M&K Solicitors for a consultation today.

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